Elizabethan Colour charts

Having mentioned elizabethancostume.net earlier I was idly poking around it on my lunchbreak got absolutely sidetracked by some of the names of the colours documented on the site, not least some lists compiled by Penny Ladnier which are absolutely awesome. I love me a good quirky name, (ask me how I got interested in mushrooms)Continue reading “Elizabethan Colour charts”

The Whole Art of Dying in two parts – A first impression

The use of dying not dyeing is not mine, just to be clear! I’ve very recently discovered this book and am currently completely fascinated by it, even though it was printed out of my period of interest, in 1705 in London. The full title text includes:“The whole art of dying : in two parts, theContinue reading “The Whole Art of Dying in two parts – A first impression”